Kamis, 26 September 2013

The Secret of Prophet Muhammad SAW's Ring

Our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W also wear rings . But how to use it is not unheard of that no more than two rings form only. Sometimes wore one, sometimes in the right hand fingers and sometimes on the left hand finger .

Very different to those of today. People in our time if interested with ten fingers wearing rings with ten rings . All the difference so far?

Prophet 's rings are made of silver and gems of agate . And never once Prophet Muhammad wearing a gold ring before revealed verses prohibiting men to wear gold . The verse was revealed when the prophet was soon stripped off her gold ring and told his friends that wear gold rings in order to take it off .

Our Prophet Muhammad SAW wearing a ring on her finger right or left , and sometimes the Prophet also put in the right little finger and left . Engraved on the ring Prophet Muhammad .The Prophet made ​​a name above the ring . By doing that , the Prophet allowed his people to carve the name of the wearer in the ring .

In the traditions of the Prophet S.A.W :Narrated from the Prophet's companions named Anas bin Malik RA . He said , carvings or writings on the Prophet Muhammad 's ring three rows , the first row of Muhammad , second row and third row Rasul Allah .

Muhammad's name is written in the lower row , writing the Prophet in the middle row , and God in the row above . The ring was a way to read it upside down , from the bottom up , because the Prophet did not want his name to be in the handwriting of God .

And those in the book Bahrulmazi , that ijma jurists stated , legal makruh to wear a ring on the index finger or middle finger or thumb , because the Prophet did not wear her ring on the fingers . And makruh also legal for women to wear a silver ring silver ring because the provisions for men .

Where Vanishing Rings of Prophet Muhammad SAW ?

Sohih mentioned in the hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim that a friend named Anas bin Malik RA said , the ring is engraved Prophet Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah at the time of her death she always wore , and then after the death of the Prophet SAW is also used by Sayyidina Abu Bakr RA , then after his death Abu Bakr RA is also used by Sayyidina Umar RA , later again after the death of Sayyidina Umar RA , used by Sayyidina Usman RA .

And the length of the ring is worn Sayyidina Usman 7 years , then on the day he went into a cistern which is named Aris and sat on the edge of the cistern . Then played with the ring on her finger , the ring suddenly fell into the cistern . Then said Anas bin Malik RA Hadith which tells this , we went down into the dungeon to look for it , we drain the water but no we jumpainya , then we repeatedly into the dungeon for three days , but all of them without finding the ring .

Since the loss of the Holy Prophet 's ring , it became a full riot , and saw various disputes arose between the Muslims and the various rebellions . Also be wars and murders that Sayyidina Uthman himself killed the rebels . This happened to our day now . And may continue until the Day of Resurrection .

If notice of the event we have a conclusion that the Prophet 's ring has a secret like the U.S. where the ring of Solomon , that is, when the ring was missing then there goes his kingdom . Natural Wallahu ...

Have Replica Ring Prophet

Besides the Qur'an , many things into historical evidence prophethood of Prophet Muhammad SAW . One is the ring of the Prophet Muhammad used to stamp the correspondence to non-Muslim kings . This is one of the miracles of Prophet Muhammad. Anything attached to him until now still neatly manicured .

According to Anas ibn Malik , the Prophet rings made ​​of silver while the pearl of Abessina (Ethiopia) . Furthermore , carving shown in the ring is the Prophet " Muhammad " the line , " The Apostle " one line , and " God " one line " .

By Hilmi Aydin (2005 ) in his book " The Sacred Trusts " , the original ring Prophet lost in a well when the caliph Uthman ibn Affan off . Because missing , Usman make another similar ring to it . Ring that is believed to be a replica ring made ​​Usman prophet was now in the Topkapi Palace ( Topkapi Palace ) , or in the language of his Turkish Topkapi Sarayi Istanbul .

The ring was originally located in Medina . When Sultan Salim became ruler of the Ottoman Empire , then the ring is moved to Istanbul . " It's a symbol of the glory of Islam , " he said .

Shaped Signet Ring

Seals prophet 1 cm in length and made ​​of red carnelian stone . Writing in it " Muhammad , Messenger of God " engraved in the stone . The seal ring fastened with a silver ring on his finger worn Prophet Muhammad .

After the Prophet 's death, the ring was worn by Abu Bakr , Umar , and Uthman ibn Affan . Usman dropped into a well named Eris . While it has been searched for days , but the ring was not also found . Usman then make a stamp with the same shape . After Usman died , the seal kept by the Umayyad Caliphate and Abasiah . Allegedly , the ring was found in Baghdad and brought to Istanbul , Turkey , is a second ring made ​​by Usman .

To get this, please contact handphone number: 081288851177

Price of IDR750,000 or 67 US Dollar. Ring size can be customized on demand.
We can sent to your address. 

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